Of course, to me, the urban monster is the Nosferatu, not the horrible alienesque Tzimisce, but that’s because I’m European and if there’s one clan I have a hard time imagining as modern, it’s the Tzimisce. That’s the point, and that’s what I’ll try to fight or twist into interesting characters here. That’s all of what the Tzimisce make me think of when I first consider the clan. The Tzimisce clan is the clan that puts together so many concepts and so many myths around the vampire that for me, they’re not just “one clan”. Animal control masters, mansion holders, creepy dominion owners, eastern-european accents… Also, walking in long corridors with certain fabrics. Again, the Sabbat isn’t really my thing, but I actually have a kind of love to the Tzimisce clan which can have such strange characters, yet playable and interesting!